Wendi Dwyer is the founder of Literacy at the Well, aka LATW. LATW provides reading instruction at wells where South Sudanese women gather to retrieve safe water for their families.
LATW received an award from the Library of Congress, and was recognized by the Pennsylvania House of Representatives for helping to end modern day slavery.
Dwyer presented at UNESCO in Paris for International Literacy Day, the United Nations in New York for UN Lions Day, and Aweil South Sudan at their first UN Women’s Day celebration.
While developing LATW, Dwyer was diagnosed with Retinitis Pigmentosa. In order to travel independently with diminishing sight, she learned how to use a white cane, and partner with a guide dog.
On October 19, 2023 a driver ran a stop sign hitting Dwyer and her guide dog. She was severely injured.
Dwyer’s experiences have inspired her advocacy. She is dedicated to improving the experiences of people living with disabilities, and ensuring safety for all pedestrians.
Articles about Dwyer
Article by Best-Selling Author Suzy Farbman
Wisconsin State Journal article by Barry Adams
Madison Magazine article by Doug Moe
Dwyer-Combined-VerticalDwyer Featured in Chicago Tribune Remarkable Woman Series